Senin, 16 April 2012

The Effect of Social Network

Today, we will discuss about the effect of social network. As we know, the society is one of the important things in our life, especially to make your idea or feelings, know to each other people, and giving people information. Many things can we do to get communicate with each other, we can talk with face to face or we can talk with use some media as like a letter, telephone, mobile, until networking social. From that's all, it have advantage for every media, as like telephone or mobile are faster to get communicate than use a letter, beside that they're more clear and easy to communicate than use a letter. For the advantage of networking social, it's fastest from a letter, telephone or mobile. using social of network, we will get more easy to communicate with the other without use many time and it can cutting our time and place when we need someone who necessary for us.

In the first paragraph, we have known the general information about some function of communication in the society and some media of it. Because of this theme now is about the effect of social network, we will looking for about the opinion of social network until the effect of social nework. Before we get some opinion about it, we should knowing social network meamning and kinds of social network. As we know, the social network is communication from someone to someone with use technology networking society by some media as like computer, notebook, mobile handphone, tablet tab, etc. the communication in the social network from the citu to the other city,  the city to other country, the country to other country, or to the globe of the world. Some famous examples, we usually use to communication in social network is facebook, Twitter, Mypace, Yahoo Mail, Hi5, eBuddy, etc. But for discuss the opinion we just take an example from one of those. Because, if we discuss all of those, i9t's to many things about social network.

For the example, we will discuss "facebook", as we knew from many news in newspaper, magazine or internet, many the effect of social network in our country, especially social network like Facebook, why Facebook? because, it is one of famous social network in all of age, especially teenager until adult. Truely, the social network ( in Facebook) many positive effect, for example, some country where have some children who can not commnunication well (with face to face), they can communicate with the social network well, beside that they can add their information are not only with one person, but can add their information from many people without difficult to share each other (without shy to talking each other). But for that's all, it still must the bother of rule for social network, because some of net in the social network only the advantage from some company which sometimes opposite for the people especially the children. So, for keep this problem, the parents of their children must controll their child as long as it will make protect their children.